NFTs become political

NFTs have found widespread adoption among celebrities and sportspeople. Politicians have now joined the party. The Democratic Party in the United States recently ran an experiment to raise awareness and funds via an NFT drop.
WHAT? A group of Democratic operatives plan to turn political noteworthy events and photos into NFTs to raise money. A new group called Front Row has launched a political NFT marketplace to highlight the Democratic Party's campaigns and causes. The first NFTs for sale is from the Texas Democratic Party called Lone Stars. Front Row is a marketplace and platform dedicated to progressive organisations and movements.
The NFTs: The Lone Stars is an animated collection of all 52 Texas State Representatives who protested against the new voting restrictions. To rebel against limitations on the freedom to vote, these public officials left their home state, denying Texas House Speaker the ability to move this legislation forward. Dade Phelan (Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives) signed civil arrest warrants to regain a minimum attendance in the house. The Democrats have created an animated NFT collection of these 52 representatives. The current bid for this collection is $1000; you can check it out here.
Monetising political activism? NFTs tend to give people a sense of belonging among virtual communities. Politicals parties seem not just to be cashing in on it but also monetising it. Soon we may see groups of volunteers forming decentralised autonomous organisations (DAO) to rally around, fun raise and govern causes they believe in.